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Aggressive Alternative Alternative Metal Alternative Rock Christian Crossover Death Metal Electronica Emocore German Grindcore Groove Metal Hard Rock Hardcore Heavy Metal Industrial Industrial Metal Japan Metal Japanese Metalcore Modern Metal Neometal Nu Metal Numetal Polich Underground Force Polish Popular Metal Proggressive Thrash Progressive Metal Rap Metal Rapcore Rock Russian Alternative Salsa Metal Spanish Spanish Metal Tarnowskie Gory Thrash Metal US MEtal Underground
13 albums
7 albums
9 albums
1 album
6 albums
2 albums
5 albums
17 albums
4 albums
23 albums
3 albums
11 albums
88 albums
28 albums
103 albums
10 albums
15 albums
27 albums
24 albums
50 albums
8 albums
All tracks compatible with iPod, iTunes & Windows Media Player.
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Only three clicks required! It's so easy, your pet can do it!