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60s Acoustic Alt Country Alt-country Alternative Country American Banjo Bloodshot Records Blues Brooklyn Classic Country Contemporary Country Cowhat Bg Cowhat Can Cowhat Fav Cowhat Hero Cowhat Superhero Doc Watson And Co Favourite Female Bluegrass Vocalist Female Vocalists Folk Guitar Honky Tonk Honky-tonk Lowlands 2007 Minnesota Mountain Newgrass North Carolina Old-Timey Pop Progressive Bluegrass Santa Cruz Singer-songwriter Trad Trad Is Rad Traditional Country
5 albums
3 albums
4 albums
19 albums
9 albums
1 album
45 albums
11 albums
2 albums
8 albums
6 albums
23 albums
21 albums
10 albums
31 albums
18 albums
22 albums
28 albums
12 albums
17 albums
41 albums
7 albums
29 albums
All tracks compatible with iPod, iTunes & Windows Media Player.
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