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VA - This Is Boston, Not L.A. HardcoreHardcore

Purchase VA - This Is Boston, Not L.A.
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1982
  • Duration: 53:35
  • Size, Mb: 108.46
  • Bitrate: 241
  • Price for album: $2.88$2.88
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. Jerry's Kids - Straight Jacket 0:28 236 1.35 $0.10$0.10
02. Jerry's Kids - Uncontrollable 0:51 243 2.05 $0.10$0.10
03. Jerry's Kids - Wired 1:23 242 2.95 $0.10$0.10
04. Jerry's Kids - Desperate 1:17 248 2.85 $0.10$0.10
05. Jerry's Kids - Pressure 1:26 247 3.09 $0.10$0.10
06. Jerry's Kids - I Don't Wanna 1:25 226 2.86 $0.10$0.10
07. The Proletariat - Options 2:01 256 4.27 $0.10$0.10
08. The Proletariat - Religion Is The Opium Of The Masses 2:14 257 4.67 $0.10$0.10
09. The Proletariat - Allegiance 1:38 265 3.66 $0.10$0.10
10. Groinoids - Angel 1:07 248 2.55 $0.10$0.10
11. The F.U.'s - Preskool Dropout 1:32 233 3.11 $0.10$0.10
12. The F.U.'s - Radio Unix Usa 1:01 258 2.45 $0.10$0.10
13. The F.U.'s - Green Beret 1:38 252 3.52 $0.10$0.10
14. The F.U.'s - Time Is Money 0:21 212 1.10 $0.10$0.10
15. Gang Green - Snob 0:27 226 1.30 $0.10$0.10
16. Gang Green - Lie Lie 0:36 223 1.53 $0.10$0.10
17. Gang Green - I Don't Know 1:03 230 2.29 $0.10$0.10
18. Gang Green - Rabies 1:27 238 3.02 $0.10$0.10
19. Gang Green - Narrow Mind 0:44 227 1.75 $0.10$0.10
20. Gang Green - Kill A Commie 1:08 236 2.47 $0.10$0.10
21. Gang Green - Have Fun 0:54 234 2.07 $0.10$0.10
22. Decadence - Slam 1:30 239 3.14 $0.10$0.10
23. Freeze - Broken Bones 1:32 232 3.11 $0.10$0.10
24. Freeze - Idiots At Happy Hour 0:59 265 2.43 $0.10$0.10
25. Freeze - Now Or Never 0:39 259 1.77 $0.10$0.10
26. Freeze - Sacrifice Not Suicide 1:08 264 2.70 $0.10$0.10
27. Freeze - It's Only Alcohol 1:23 260 3.14 $0.10$0.10
28. Freeze - Trouble If You Hide 2:46 254 5.61 $0.10$0.10
29. Freeze - Time Bomb 1:57 268 4.30 $0.10$0.10
30. Freeze - This Is Boston, Not L.A. 0:25 258 1.32 $0.10$0.10
31. Gang Green - Selfish 1:47 226 3.45 $0.10$0.10
32. Groinoids - Empty Skull 1:20 266 3.11 $0.10$0.10
33. The Proletariat - Voodoo Economics 2:49 239 5.39 $0.10$0.10
34. Jerry's Kids - Machine Gun 1:20 239 2.84 $0.10$0.10
35. The F.U.'s - Ceta Suckers 1:00 236 2.24 $0.10$0.10
36. Freeze - Refrigerator Heaven 8:19 151 8.99 $0.10$0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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