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VA - Soundcultures ElectronicElectronic

Purchase VA - Soundcultures
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2003
  • Duration: 20:48
  • Size, Mb: 52.05
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album: $1.76$1.76
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. Vladislav Delay - Solid As A Rock 1:16 320 3.10 $0.10$0.10
02. Atom Tm - Kleine Hausmusik #16 0:50 320 2.12 $0.10$0.10
03. Shuttle358 - Proxy 0:51 320 2.14 $0.10$0.10
04. Costello - Nariwa [Extract] 0:58 320 2.41 $0.10$0.10
05. Andreas Tilliander - One Minute Women 0:53 320 2.21 $0.10$0.10
06. Mikael Stavostrand - Floating 0:51 320 2.15 $0.10$0.10
07. Alva Noto - 60 Sec 0:55 320 2.29 $0.10$0.10
08. Frank Bretschneider - Drift 1:00 320 2.48 $0.10$0.10
09. Thomas Koner - 1 Minute 0:55 320 2.32 $0.10$0.10
10. Kim Cascone - Microreplica 0:59 320 2.47 $0.10$0.10
11. Christophe Charles - Narita 0:57 320 2.38 $0.10$0.10
12. Taylor Deupree - Verse 0:52 320 2.19 $0.10$0.10
13. Terre Thaemlitz - Thaemlitz Mp Catalog, 225 Layers, 113 Stereo Files, 60 Sec. 0:53 320 2.23 $0.10$0.10
14. Heimir Bjorgulfsson - The Give Jungle 0:57 320 2.39 $0.10$0.10
15. Asmus Tietchens - Teilmenge 26 0:59 320 2.43 $0.10$0.10
16. Ekkehard Ehlers - Fantasie 0:54 320 2.27 $0.10$0.10
17. Random Inc. - Random_Inc At Kalandia [Jan 8Th 2003] 0:55 320 2.32 $0.10$0.10
18. Achim Wollscheid - 60Sec.WaV 0:59 320 2.46 $0.10$0.10
19. Marcus Schmickler - Rekursi 1:00 320 2.48 $0.10$0.10
20. Boris Polonski - One Moment In Rhyme 1:01 320 2.52 $0.10$0.10
21. Station Rose - Open That File 0:53 320 2.20 $0.10$0.10
22. Michael Harenberg - Flsaxklb1 1:00 320 2.48 $0.10$0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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