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VA - Renaissance: The Masters Series Part 18 HouseHouse

Purchase VA - Renaissance: The Masters Series Part 18
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 386:08
  • Size, Mb: 888.11
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album: $2.80$2.80
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. Aurtas - Introduction 1:30 320 3.55 $0.10$0.10
02. DFRNT - Nocturne (Pt. 1) (Feat. Annabelle Guilhem) 4:36 320 10.64 $0.10$0.10
03. Tripswitch - Still Seas 3:00 320 6.98 $0.10$0.10
04. Pedro Aguiar - The Voices In My Head 2:32 320 5.93 $0.10$0.10
05. I Awake - Labyrinth 5:57 320 13.73 $0.10$0.10
06. SCSI-9 - Ellsworth Land 7:53 320 18.17 $0.10$0.10
07. DFRNT - El Spirito (Beatless Version) 7:05 320 16.34 $0.10$0.10
08. Circular - City Pulse 5:14 320 12.09 $0.10$0.10
09. Cell - Take Off 6:36 320 15.24 $0.10$0.10
10. Terje Saether - Oia 4:26 320 10.28 $0.10$0.10
11. Nick Warren - Buenos Aires (Luis Bondio Dub Remix) 8:34 320 19.75 $0.10$0.10
12. Tripswitch - Sick Teckers 7:00 320 16.13 $0.10$0.10
13. Nick Warren - Devil's Elbow 5:34 320 12.85 $0.10$0.10
14. Excession - Ambilight 4:04 320 9.42 $0.10$0.10
15. Audioglider - Summer Rainstorm 7:54 320 18.20 $0.10$0.10
16. Levente - Naja Haje (Ambient Mix) 8:32 320 19.66 $0.10$0.10
17. Bubble Club - The Goddess 6:54 320 15.93 $0.10$0.10
18. James Monro - Ambientworkx7 5:28 320 12.62 $0.10$0.10
19. Yppah - Blue Schwinn 3:50 320 8.91 $0.10$0.10
20. Levente - Tunneling 8:29 320 19.53 $0.10$0.10
21. Cristian R - Deimos 8:51 320 20.36 $0.10$0.10
22. Darren Flecta - In Moments 12:51 320 29.55 $0.10$0.10
23. Darin Epsilon - Shine The Light 8:13 320 18.93 $0.10$0.10
24. Levente - Csillagok 8:42 320 20.05 $0.10$0.10
25. Simplicity - Singing Or Speaking 7:34 320 17.44 $0.10$0.10
26. Doomwork - All About 6:50 320 15.75 $0.10$0.10
27. Sam Waller - I Pointi Pointi 6:42 320 15.44 $0.10$0.10
28. Cesar Lombardo & Luis Bondio - Toro 8:07 320 18.71 $0.10$0.10
29. David Calo - Moving Myself 7:44 320 17.83 $0.10$0.10
30. Tom Glass - Welcome To The Sun 10:19 320 23.73 $0.10$0.10
31. Nicolas Ruiz & Marko Zalezar - Choir 8:11 320 18.86 $0.10$0.10
32. Miraculum - Constellation 10:29 320 24.14 $0.10$0.10
33. Verche - Corals 9:03 320 20.82 $0.10$0.10
34. Nick Warren - Renaissance: The Masters Series Part 18 (Disc 1 Continuous Mix) 77:59 320 178.63 $0.10$0.10
35. Nick Warren - Renaissance: The Masters Series Part 18 (Disc 2 Continuous Mix) 79:25 320 181.90 $0.10$0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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