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Toshiharu Yamanishi, Takeshi Yoshida & Naosuke Arai - Thunder Force IV: Genesis GameGame

Purchase Toshiharu Yamanishi, Takeshi Yoshida & Naosuke Arai - Thunder Force IV: Genesis
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1992
  • Duration: 92:55
  • Size, Mb: 139.66
  • Bitrate: 211
  • Price for album: $3.84$3.84
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. Lightning Strikes Again (Opening Theme) 0:30 223 0.81 $0.10$0.10
02. Tan Tan Ta Ta Ta Tan (Configuration) 0:54 210 1.36 $0.10$0.10
03. Don't Go Off (Course Select) 1:12 197 1.71 $0.10$0.10
04. Fighting Back (Stage 1A) 5:38 211 8.51 $0.10$0.10
05. What (Stage 1B) 0:45 205 1.11 $0.10$0.10
06. Evil Destroyer (Stage 1 Boss) 2:28 221 3.91 $0.10$0.10
07. Space Walk (Stage 2A) 3:03 188 4.11 $0.10$0.10
08. Danger!! Danger!! (Stage 2B) 0:27 198 0.64 $0.10$0.10
09. Attack Sharply (Stage 2 Boss) 1:10 219 1.84 $0.10$0.10
10. The Sky Line (Stage 3A) 2:39 214 4.06 $0.10$0.10
11. Air Raid (Stage 3B) 1:42 202 2.48 $0.10$0.10
12. Simmer Down (Stage 3 Boss) 1:35 216 2.45 $0.10$0.10
13. Sand Hell (Stage 4A) 2:07 205 3.11 $0.10$0.10
14. Where! (Stage 4B) 0:51 273 1.68 $0.10$0.10
15. Strike Out (Stage 4 Boss) 1:15 217 1.95 $0.10$0.10
16. Battle Ship (Stage 5) 2:29 197 3.52 $0.10$0.10
17. Stranger (Stage 5 Boss) 1:17 216 2.01 $0.10$0.10
18. Neo Weapon (Stage 5 Docking) 0:41 228 1.12 $0.10$0.10
19. Great Sea Power (Stage 6) 2:21 184 3.11 $0.10$0.10
20. The Breaker (Stage 6 Boss) 1:23 229 2.28 $0.10$0.10
21. Sea Of Flame (Stage 7) 2:10 233 3.63 $0.10$0.10
22. Rancor (Stage 7 Boss) 0:49 208 1.24 $0.10$0.10
23. Metal Squad (Stage 8) 4:46 217 7.41 $0.10$0.10
24. Phantom (Stage 8 Boss) 0:47 208 1.18 $0.10$0.10
25. Down Right Attack (Stage 9) 4:22 199 6.23 $0.10$0.10
26. Recalcitrance (Stage 9 Boss) 1:12 204 1.77 $0.10$0.10
27. The Danger Zone (Stage 10) 1:58 234 3.32 $0.10$0.10
28. War Like Requiem (Stage 10 Boss) 1:40 221 2.65 $0.10$0.10
29. Shooting Stars (Easy Ending) 1:15 237 2.15 $0.10$0.10
30. Silvery Light Of The Moon (Normal Ending) 2:15 225 3.63 $0.10$0.10
31. Light Of Silence (Hard Ending) 2:54 206 4.28 $0.10$0.10
32. Love Dream (Maniac Ending) 1:08 203 1.67 $0.10$0.10
33. Stand Up Against Myself (Staff Roll) 1:48 219 2.85 $0.10$0.10
34. Dead End (Game Over) 0:05 195 0.12 $0.10$0.10
35. Count Down (Continue) 0:54 191 1.23 $0.10$0.10
36. Because You're The Number One (Name Entry - Ace Ranking) 1:18 205 1.92 $0.10$0.10
37. Remember Of ''knight Of Legend'' (Name Entry) 1:17 184 1.70 $0.10$0.10
38. The Stars (Ranking) 0:28 197 0.66 $0.10$0.10
39. Omake 1 0:43 247 1.30 $0.10$0.10
40. Omake 2 3:06 208 4.62 $0.10$0.10
41. Omake 3 5:56 187 7.95 $0.10$0.10
42. Omake 4 2:30 201 3.60 $0.10$0.10
43. Omake 5 2:16 221 3.59 $0.10$0.10
44. Omake 6 1:48 242 3.14 $0.10$0.10
45. Omake 7 3:41 206 5.43 $0.10$0.10
46. Omake 8 2:17 182 2.99 $0.10$0.10
47. Omake 9 2:20 202 3.38 $0.10$0.10
48. Omake 10 2:45 216 4.26 $0.10$0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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