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Thurston Moore - Root AlternativeAlternative

Purchase Thurston Moore - Root
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1999
  • Duration: 76:05
  • Size, Mb: 139.70
  • Bitrate: 256
  • Price for album: $1.80$1.80
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. Derek Bailey 1:07 256 2.05 $0.09$0.09
02. Alec Empire 3:04 256 5.62 $0.09$0.09
03. Mogwai 4:50 256 8.87 $0.09$0.09
04. Luke Vibert 1:12 256 2.22 $0.09$0.09
05. Donald Christie & The Underdog 1:38 256 3.00 $0.09$0.09
06. Blur 5:54 256 10.81 $0.09$0.09
07. Mark Webber 2:28 256 4.54 $0.09$0.09
08. Stereolab 3:42 256 6.78 $0.09$0.09
09. Cheap Glue 2:11 256 4.01 $0.09$0.09
10. Add N To X 2:55 256 5.37 $0.09$0.09
11. Spring Heel Jack 5:16 256 9.65 $0.09$0.09
12. The Hypnotist 0:37 256 1.15 $0.09$0.09
13. The Mellowtrons 2:01 256 3.71 $0.09$0.09
14. Warren Defever 4:01 256 7.38 $0.09$0.09
15. Vvm 2:34 256 4.73 $0.09$0.09
16. Third Eye Foundation 4:09 256 7.60 $0.09$0.09
17. David Cunningham 1:57 256 3.59 $0.09$0.09
18. Echo Park 3:33 256 6.52 $0.09$0.09
19. Merzbow 3:44 256 6.86 $0.09$0.09
20. Richard Thomas 5:28 256 10.02 $0.09$0.09
21. Stock, Hausen & Walkman 4:10 256 7.64 $0.09$0.09
22. Twisted Science Vs Burzootie 2:40 256 4.89 $0.09$0.09
23. Bruce Gilbert 3:15 256 5.96 $0.09$0.09
24. Arashi Vs Red King 2:37 256 4.81 $0.09$0.09
25. Russell Haswell 1:02 256 1.90 $0.09$0.09
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of Thurston Moore

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Order
$1.08 $1.08 Buy Thurston Moore - Psychic Hearts Mp3 Download Psychic Hearts 1995 15 256
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