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The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 16 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) ClassicalClassical

Purchase The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 16 (Under John Eliot Gardiner)
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2007
  • Duration: 77:22
  • Size, Mb: 177.59
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album: $2.08$2.08
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. Motet: Singet Dem Herrn Ein Neues Lied, BWV 225 13:07 320 30.04 $0.10$0.10
02. BWV 152: 1. Sinfonia 3:18 320 7.58 $0.10$0.10
03. BWV 152: 2. Aria: Bass. Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn 2:47 320 6.37 $0.10$0.10
04. BWV 152: 3. Recitativo: Bass. Der Heiland Ist Gesetzt 1:51 320 4.25 $0.10$0.10
05. BWV 152: 4. Aria: Sopran. Stein, Der Uber Alle Schatze 4:32 320 10.41 $0.10$0.10
06. BWV 152: 5. Recitativ: Bass. Es Argre Dich Die Kluge Welt 1:17 320 2.95 $0.10$0.10
07. BWV 152: 6. Duetto: Sopran, Bass. Wie Soll Ich Dich, Liebster Der Seelen, Umf... 4:25 320 10.13 $0.10$0.10
08. BWV 122: 1. Coro (Chorale). Das Neugeborne Kindelein 3:46 320 8.64 $0.10$0.10
09. BWV 122: 2. Aria: Bass. O Menschen, Die Ihr Taglich Sundigt 5:07 320 11.74 $0.10$0.10
10. BWV 122: 3. Recitativo: Sopran. Die Engel, Welche Sich Zuvor 1:22 320 3.16 $0.10$0.10
11. BWV 122: 4. Terzetto Con Choral. Ist Gott Versohnt Und Unser Freund 2:36 320 5.97 $0.10$0.10
12. BWV 122: 5. Recitativo: Bass. Dies Ist Ein Tag 1:22 320 3.17 $0.10$0.10
13. BWV 122: 6. Choral. Es Bringt Das Rechte Jubeljahr 0:48 320 1.83 $0.10$0.10
14. BWV 28: 1. Aria: Sopran. Gottlob! Nun Geht Das Jahr Zu Ende 3:57 320 9.06 $0.10$0.10
15. BWV 28: 2. Coro (Chorale). Nun Lob, Mein Seel, Den Herren 4:24 320 10.11 $0.10$0.10
16. BWV 28: 3. Recitativo Ed Arioso: Bass. So Spricht Der Herr 1:19 320 3.04 $0.10$0.10
17. BWV 28: 4. Recitativo: Tenor. Gott Ist Ein Quell 1:07 320 2.56 $0.10$0.10
18. BWV 28: 5. Aria (Duetto): Alt, Tenor. Gott Hat Uns Im Heurigen Jahre Gesegnet 2:20 320 5.36 $0.10$0.10
19. BWV 28: 6. Choral. All Solch Dein Gut Wir Preisen 1:06 320 2.55 $0.10$0.10
20. BWV 190: 1. Coro. Singet Dem Herr Ein Neues Lied! 4:26 320 10.16 $0.10$0.10
21. BWV 190: 2. Coral E Recitativo: Bass, Tenor, Alt. Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir 1:24 320 3.21 $0.10$0.10
22. BWV 190: 3. Aria: Alt. Lobe, Zion, Deinen Gott 2:32 320 5.80 $0.10$0.10
23. BWV 190: 4. Recitativo: Bass. Es Wunsche Sich Die Welt 1:22 320 3.15 $0.10$0.10
24. BWV 190: 5. Aria (Duetto): Tenor, Bass. Jesus Soll Mein Alles Sein 3:29 320 7.98 $0.10$0.10
25. BWV 190: 6. Recitativo: Tenor. Nun, Jesus Gebe 1:29 320 3.41 $0.10$0.10
26. BWV 190: 7. Choral. Lass Uns Das Jahr Vollbringen 2:09 320 4.94 $0.10$0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Order
$2.64 $2.64 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 28 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 28 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) 2013 33 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 18 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 18 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2010 20 320
$1.84 $1.84 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 18 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 18 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2010 23 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 2 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 2 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2010 20 320
$2.24 $2.24 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 2 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 2 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2010 28 320
$1.84 $1.84 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 11 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 11 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2010 23 320
$1.52 $1.52 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 11 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 11 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2010 19 320
$1.28 $1.28 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 20 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 20 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2009 16 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 20 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 20 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2009 20 320
$2.00 $2.00 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 17 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 17 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2009 25 320
$2.16 $2.16 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 13 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 13 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2009 27 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 13 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 13 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2009 20 320
$2.00 $2.00 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 4 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 4 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2009 25 320
$1.04 $1.04 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 4 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 4 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2009 13 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 25 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 25 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2008 20 320
$1.76 $1.76 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 25 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 25 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2008 22 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 5 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 5 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2008 20 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 5 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 5 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2008 20 320
$1.12 $1.12 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 17 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 17 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2007 14 320
$2.16 $2.16 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 15 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 15 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) 2007 27 320
$1.36 $1.36 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 23 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 23 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2007 17 320
$2.00 $2.00 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 23 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 23 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2007 25 320
$1.44 $1.44 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 6 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 6 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2007 18 320
$1.44 $1.44 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 6 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 6 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2007 18 320
$2.32 $2.32 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 19 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 19 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2006 29 320
$1.36 $1.36 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 19 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 19 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2006 17 320
$1.28 $1.28 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 26 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 26 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2006 16 320
$2.00 $2.00 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 26 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 26 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2006 25 320
$1.36 $1.36 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 21 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 21 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2006 17 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 21 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 21 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2006 20 320
$1.68 $1.68 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 7 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 7 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2006 21 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 7 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 7 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2006 20 320
$1.36 $1.36 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 10 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 10 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2005 17 320
$1.92 $1.92 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 10 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 10 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2005 24 320
$1.68 $1.68 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 24 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 24 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2005 21 320
$1.68 $1.68 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 24 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 24 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2005 21 320
$2.00 $2.00 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 8 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 8 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2005 25 320
$1.92 $1.92 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 8 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 8 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2005 24 320
$2.56 $2.56 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 1 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 1 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2005 32 320
$1.92 $1.92 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 1 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 1 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2005 24 320
$2.16 $2.16 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 14: New York Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 14: New York 2005 27 256
$1.84 $1.84 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 22 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 22 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2000 23 320
$1.36 $1.36 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 22 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 22 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2000 17 320
$1.60 $1.60 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 9 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 9 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2000 20 320
$1.52 $1.52 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 9 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 9 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2000 19 320
$1.84 $1.84 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 27 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 27 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2000 23 320
$1.28 $1.28 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 27 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 27 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2000 16 320
$2.00 $2.00 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 12 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 12 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2000 25 320
$1.76 $1.76 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 12 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 12 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2000 22 320
$1.52 $1.52 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 3 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 3 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2000 19 320
$1.92 $1.92 Buy The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 3 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Mp3 Download Bach Cantatas, Vol. 3 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2000 24 320
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