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Loredana Berte - Baby Berte RockRock

Purchase Loredana Berte - Baby Berte
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2006
  • Duration: 62:49
  • Size, Mb: 144.52
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album: $2.16$2.16
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. Segreteria Cane Deficiente... Leone 0:25 320 0.98 $0.09$0.09
02. Sola Come Un Cane 3:41 320 8.46 $0.09$0.09
03. Mess Morgan ...Cappello Salvo... 0:20 320 0.80 $0.09$0.09
04. Mufida 4:09 320 9.51 $0.09$0.09
05. Notti Senza Luna 3:35 320 8.22 $0.09$0.09
06. Full Metal Jacket 0:25 320 0.99 $0.09$0.09
07. Mercedes Benz 4:57 320 11.37 $0.09$0.09
08. Mess Asia ...Dall'america... Sei Bellissima 0:35 320 1.38 $0.09$0.09
09. Io Ballo Da Sola 5:05 320 11.66 $0.09$0.09
10. Segr. Cane Dori Ghezzi Cheffai Abbai 0:18 320 0.72 $0.09$0.09
11. Joe 3:32 320 8.13 $0.09$0.09
12. Documento Genova - Fazio Serra Etc 0:42 320 1.63 $0.09$0.09
13. Una Storia Sbagliata (Fazio) 6:07 320 14.02 $0.09$0.09
14. Mess Dori Ghezzi 0:05 320 0.20 $0.09$0.09
15. Mess Rosita 0:26 320 1.02 $0.09$0.09
16. I Ragazzi Italiani 4:16 320 9.79 $0.09$0.09
17. Mess Ron 0:14 320 0.55 $0.09$0.09
18. Mess Fans Incazzati X Disco + Segr Esaurita 0:39 320 1.52 $0.09$0.09
19. Deliri A 45 Giri 2:39 320 6.07 $0.09$0.09
20. Mess Renato So Giulio Cesare 0:10 320 0.42 $0.09$0.09
21. Al Lupo 4:13 320 9.67 $0.09$0.09
22. Mess Gragnaniello Rocckkissima!!!! 0:14 320 0.55 $0.09$0.09
23. Mess Rosita Ci Sei 0:32 320 1.24 $0.09$0.09
24. Non Mi Pento 3:43 320 8.52 $0.09$0.09
25. Segr Cane... Renato Pazzesco 0:34 320 1.34 $0.09$0.09
26. Strade Di Fuoco 4:26 320 10.15 $0.09$0.09
27. Mess Asia Cerchietti 1:05 320 2.52 $0.09$0.09
28. Sto Male 4:58 320 11.37 $0.09$0.09
29. Mess Renato Non Sei Tornata 0:25 320 0.97 $0.09$0.09
30. Autostrada... Introdurre Biglietto... Arrivederci 0:19 320 0.76 $0.09$0.09
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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