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Emily - Emilys Welt PopPop

Purchase Emily - Emilys Welt
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2007
  • Duration: 93:40
  • Size, Mb: 127.72
  • Bitrate: 190
  • Price for album: $2.02$2.02
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. Nano 3:24 192 4.67 $0.09$0.09
02. Nano 3:24 192 4.68 $0.09$0.09
03. Reise Um Die Welt 3:31 190 4.79 $0.09$0.09
04. Reise um die welt 3:31 190 4.79 $0.09$0.09
05. Kleiner Baer 3:49 204 5.58 $0.09$0.09
06. kleiner baer 3:49 204 5.58 $0.09$0.09
07. Astronauten 3:12 188 4.33 $0.09$0.09
08. astronauten 3:12 188 4.33 $0.09$0.09
09. Simsalabim 3:25 181 4.45 $0.09$0.09
10. simsalabim 3:25 181 4.45 $0.09$0.09
11. Gespensterparty 3:23 187 4.54 $0.09$0.09
12. gespensterparty 3:23 187 4.54 $0.09$0.09
13. Waer Ich Koenigin 2:58 191 4.06 $0.09$0.09
14. waer ich koenigin 2:58 191 4.06 $0.09$0.09
15. Karneval 3:32 207 5.25 $0.09$0.09
16. karneval 3:32 207 5.25 $0.09$0.09
17. Kleine Ballerina 3:42 195 5.18 $0.09$0.09
18. kleine ballerina 3:42 195 5.18 $0.09$0.09
19. Sesam Oeffne Dich 3:17 181 4.26 $0.09$0.09
20. sesam oeffne dich 3:17 181 4.26 $0.09$0.09
21. Nie Wieder Schule 3:29 182 4.56 $0.09$0.09
22. nie wieder schule 3:29 182 4.56 $0.09$0.09
23. Snoopy Doo 3:04 198 4.37 $0.09$0.09
24. snoopy doo 3:04 198 4.37 $0.09$0.09
25. Schmetterling 3:15 186 4.34 $0.09$0.09
26. schmetterling 3:15 186 4.34 $0.09$0.09
27. Beste Freundin 2:49 172 3.47 $0.09$0.09
28. beste freundin 2:49 172 3.47 $0.09$0.09
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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