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Cavity - The Duke of The Rose GangstaGangsta

Purchase Cavity - The Duke of The Rose
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2007
  • Duration: 79:34
  • Size, Mb: 104.48
  • Bitrate: 177
  • Price for album: $3.31$3.31
  • Discount: 20%
  • 00:00
Track title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01. R.I.P. Mom 1:00 175 1.27 $0.09$0.09
02. Jake Easy Intro 1:07 137 1.11 $0.09$0.09
03. Duke of The Rose 1:10 210 1.76 $0.09$0.09
04. Girl Talkin 0:06 172 0.13 $0.09$0.09
05. Are You Ready (Interlude) 0:04 114 0.06 $0.09$0.09
06. You Not a Gangsta 2:45 177 3.49 $0.09$0.09
07. Cavity Speaks 0:24 186 0.55 $0.09$0.09
08. Rosa Business 1:40 186 2.23 $0.09$0.09
09. Muscle Cars 1:26 175 1.81 $0.09$0.09
10. Petro aks Young C speaks 0:10 172 0.22 $0.09$0.09
11. Spittin Heat Feat. Keez, Bo Ri 4:30 180 5.81 $0.09$0.09
12. Young Lark Speaks 0:36 169 0.74 $0.09$0.09
13. It's Rosetown 4:02 182 5.27 $0.09$0.09
14. Master (Interlude) 0:04 131 0.07 $0.09$0.09
15. Myspace Anthem 2:04 174 2.58 $0.09$0.09
16. Tre Jones Speaks 0:21 163 0.42 $0.09$0.09
17. R.I.P. Jeremiah Feat. J-Jona, 5:41 203 8.26 $0.09$0.09
18. Cavity Speaks 0:27 190 0.62 $0.09$0.09
19. You Bug 4:01 194 5.59 $0.09$0.09
20. Freestyle 1 1:05 192 1.50 $0.09$0.09
21. Hot 16 1:01 179 1.31 $0.09$0.09
22. Can't Sang (Interlude) 1:49 165 2.16 $0.09$0.09
23. Can't Sang Anthem Feat. Petro 2:59 163 3.49 $0.09$0.09
24. Go Shorty 3:24 170 4.14 $0.09$0.09
25. Cavity Speaks 0:49 184 1.09 $0.09$0.09
26. Doin' It Feat. Keez, Bo Rizzle 2:34 183 3.37 $0.09$0.09
27. Driznity Speaks 0:16 177 0.34 $0.09$0.09
28. Havin Fun 1:52 185 2.49 $0.09$0.09
29. P-Coat Speaks 0:11 166 0.22 $0.09$0.09
30. Freestyle 2 0:43 171 0.90 $0.09$0.09
31. Cavity Speaks 1:06 190 1.50 $0.09$0.09
32. Remix (Interlude) 0:05 182 0.12 $0.09$0.09
33. Nammshhmean 3:08 206 4.62 $0.09$0.09
34. J-Jona Speaks 0:09 169 0.20 $0.09$0.09
35. Dumb vs Crunk Feat. J-Jona 3:21 175 4.20 $0.09$0.09
36. Cavity Speaks 0:35 178 0.75 $0.09$0.09
37. Real Nigga 3:32 159 4.03 $0.09$0.09
38. My Dick 3:45 192 5.15 $0.09$0.09
39. Cavity Speaks 0:29 186 0.66 $0.09$0.09
40. Slumpin My Music (The Santa Ro 3:24 198 4.82 $0.09$0.09
41. Thrilla K Speaks 0:06 170 0.14 $0.09$0.09
42. My Block 3:55 221 6.21 $0.09$0.09
43. Young Fedz On the Phone 1:34 171 1.94 $0.09$0.09
44. One Flight Feat. Young Fedz, B 2:06 140 2.11 $0.09$0.09
45. Cavity Speaks 1:11 189 1.62 $0.09$0.09
46. H-Not (Bonus Track) 2:47 171 3.41 $0.09$0.09
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 00.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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